Our Family
 Sherman (not on display)
 Prairie (not on display)
Bald Eagle
Barn Owl
 Barney (a.k.a. Moonface)
Black Bear
Black Rat Snake
Blanding's Turtle
Box Turtle
Bull Frog
Cottontail Rabbit
 Wylie (not on display)
 Sancho (not on display)
Flying Squirrel
Great Horned Owl
 Bubo (not on display)
 Dr. Hoo (not on display)
Green Frog
Painted Turtle
Peregrine Falcon
 Cliff (not on display)
 Tundra (not on display)
 Quillber (not on display)
Red Fox
Red-sided Garter Snake
Red-tailed Hawk
 Will (not on display)
Silver Fox
Snapping Turtle
Striped Skunk
Tree Frog
Turkey Vulture
 Mortisha (Not on Display)
 Barfalomew (not on display)

Kingston the Black Rat Snake


Kingston was acquired This snake was kept as a pet by a private person, he was housed improperly and as a result came to us with severe scarring all over his body.  He has made an amazing recovery and will remain with us for the duration of his life.


Black Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta)

Average Size:
255 cm (8 1/2 feet) at maximum length
Average Weight:
Average Lifespan:

Kingston area and a small pocket near Niagara Falls

Dining and Dwelling

Black rat snakes are semi-constrictors feeding on mostly rodents and birds, although frogs and other snakes are also eaten.

They prefer wooded areas, although they may be found in fields and meadows.

Life and Death

These snakes will produce from 10-16 eggs, which are deposited in sheltered locations such as under rocks or fallen logs. The eggs are laid in early summer and hatch in late summer. The exact length of the incubation period depends on temperature.

The main threat to the life of a Black Rat Snake is Man. With the large size of this harmless snake, people generally assume it is extreemly harmful to them and end up killing the snake. The other majour cause of death is by cars. As this snake lays out across the warm pavement to digest its food, it looks like an old bike tire due to its colouring and is usually run over.


That's Amazing

-The Black rat snake is the largest snake native to Ontario.

-Even though this snake is non-venomous, it still shakes it tail to sound like a rattle snake to scare away predators making then think they are a Rattle Snake.

-They are considered to be threatened, being found only by Kingston, and a small area by Niagara Falls.