Dining and Dwelling
Fishers avoid open areas and they prefer the canopy of a continuous forest, in the vicinity of watercourses. This diurnal (active in daytime) weasel is a voracious hunter which will kill and eat anything it can overpower. It's diet mostly consists of snowshoe hare and small mammals, however the fisher may also eat birds, snakes, fish, insects, carrion, fruits, berries and seeds. It is best known for it's ability kill and eat porcupine.
Life and Death
Man is the major predator of the fisher, possibly the wolf, but a fisher would probably be too agile. Fishers are sexually dimorphic, males being twice the size of females. Males can breed at the age of 2, while females are able to breed at one year of age. Mating, of these normally solitary animals, takes place in early spring and after 338-358 days the kits(usually three) are born. The young stay with their mother 3 or 4 months and then disperse.